Villa Italia offers to you the flexibility you need. We have got 4 packages of your preference but you can choose between more than 60 dishes we have got for your order in our menu, or you can make your own menu and the price will be depending on the content. Also we have got home services for banquets.
Romantic Dinner
For two
Fettucine Alfredo or Lasagna
A pizza to your choice
A slice of chocolate cake
A bottle of wine (Cabernet, Lambrusco, Merlot, Blanc de Zinfandel or Sauvignon)
$640.00 mxn
+ price of chosen pizza
Menu for events 1
First Course
Insalata Cesar
Main Course
Cake or Caramel pudding or Tiramisú
1 National beverage
It can be beer, cuba, sangría, table wine, piña colada etc..
$520.00 - Pesos per person.
$430.00 - Pesos per person without dessert.
Menu for events 2
First Course
Insalata frutti di bosco
(Lettucce mix with strawberry and blackberries, cheese of goat and dressing of vinaigrette with raspberry)
Main Course
Pollo alla Cacciatore ó Salmone al Pesto e Limone
Cake or Caramel pudding or Tiramisú
1 National beverage
It can be beer, cuba, sangría, table wine, piña colada etc..
$660.00 - Pesos per person
$570.00 - Pesos per person without dessert.
Menu for events 3
First Course
Mozzarella Caprese
(Slices of fresh mozzarella cheese, tomatoes slices, basil pesto sauce)
Main Course
Filetto di Manzo ai Fungi
Cake or Caramel pudding or Tiramisú
1 National beverage
It can be beer, cuba, sangría, table wine, piña colada etc..
$770.00 - Pesos per person
$680.00 - Pesos per person without dessert.
Drinks: 20% off list price.
Corkage: $175 pesos per wine bottle, $330 pesos liquor bottle (It includes 6 sodas to mix)
Cart desserts: Flan, Chocolate cake, Tiramisú, Apple Pie with nuts, Creéme Brulée.
All prices includes taxes. Tip not included (15 %)
The menus can be modified according to your needs and tastes.
In order to reserve the salon you must ensure a minimum consumption of $4,000 pesos.
Events for more than 10 people, it is required a down payment of 30% of the total price of the event, same that will be refunded on the final account.
We appreciate your preference Franco Esposito Prodomo Ristorante Villa Italia